Model synchronization refers to the communication process involved in large-scale distributed machine learning tasks. As the cluster scales up, the synchronization of model parameters becomes a challenging task that has to be coordinated among thousands of workers. Firstly, this study proposes a hierarchical AllReduce algorithm structured on a two-dimensional torus (2D-THA), which utilizes a hierarchical structure to synchronize model parameters and maximize bandwidth utilization. Secondly, this study introduces a distributed consensus algorithm called 2D-THA-ADMM, which combines the 2D-THA synchronization algorithm with the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Thirdly, we evaluate the model parameter synchronization performance of 2D-THA and the scalability of 2D-THA-ADMM on the Tianhe-2 supercomputing platform using real public datasets. Our experiments demonstrate that 2D-THA significantly reduces synchronization time by 63.447% compared to MPI_Allreduce. Furthermore, the proposed 2D-THA-ADMM algorithm exhibits excellent scalability, with a training speed increase of over 3× compared to the state-of-the-art methods, while maintaining high accuracy and computational efficiency.
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