Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is an efficient algorithm to solve large-scale machine learning problems in a distributed environment. To make full use of the hierarchical memory model in modern high-performance computing systems, this paper implements a hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelization of the asynchronous ADMM algorithm (AH-ADMM). The AH-ADMM algorithm updates local variables in parallel by OpenMP threads and exchanges information between MPI processes, which relieves memory and communication pressure by replacing multi-processing with multi-threading. Furthermore, for the SVM problem, the AH-ADMM algorithm speeds up the calculation of sub-problems through an efficient parallel optimization strategy. This paper effectively combines the features of both algorithm design and programming model. Experiments on the Ziqiang4000 high-performance cluster demonstrate that the AH-ADMM algorithm scales better and run faster than the existing distributed ADMM algorithms implemented by pure MPI. The AH-ADMM can reduce the communication overhead by up to 91.8% and increase the convergence rate by up to 36x. For large datasets, the AH-ADMM can scale well on the cluster which over 129 cores.
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