Among distributed machine learning algorithms, the global consensus alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) has attracted much attention because it can effectively solve large-scale optimization problems. However, the high communication cost slows its convergence and limits scalability. To solve the problem, we propose a hierarchical grouping ADMM algorithm (PSRA-HGADMM) with a novel Ring-Allreduce communication model in this paper. Firstly, we optimize the parameter exchange of the ADMM algorithm and implement the global consensus ADMM algorithm in the decentralized architecture. Secondly, to improve the communication efficiency of the distributed system, we propose a novel Ring-Allreduce communication model (PSR-Allreduce) based on the idea of parameter server architecture. Finally, a Worker-Leader-Group generator (WLG) framework is designed to solve the problem of inconsistency of cluster nodes. This framework combines hierarchical parameter aggregation and adopts the grouping strategy to improve the scalability of the distributed system. Experiments show that PSRA-HGADMM has better convergence performance and better scalability than ADMMLib and AD-ADMM. Compared with ADMMLib, the overall communication cost of PSRA-HGADMM is reduced by 32%.
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